DRAFT PREVIEW - DC Workbook - Task 1 - Summary

Morrisville Study Map.jpg

Morrisville flooding and hydraulics

The Delaware Canal Vision Study called out Delaware River floods of 2004, 2005, and 2006 as having caused significant damage in Morrisville. This flooding did not come from the river directly, but from the canal. The interconnectedness of the Canal-River hydraulics has been carefully studied in an effort to find ways to mitigate future flooding. Specifically:

  • Replace an existing waste-gate (Location 2) with an overflow structure further upstream (Location 1)

  • Consider impacts of obstructions downstream at the Railroad (Location 3) and Tyburn Road (Location 4)

Hydraulic Analysis.jpg

The concept below shows the location for a proposed new spillway north of the Calhoun Bridge with the removal of the wastegate just south of East Maple Avenue.

Spillway - Satellite.png
Spillway - Profile View.png
Spillway - Cross-section.png
Spillway - Plan View.png